
Avv. Maurizio Fuggitti
Senior partner with "Fuggitti & Partners", I am an Attorney at law since 1973 and a civil attorney since 1979, authorized to practice before the higher Courts. After maturing an extensive and significant professional experience within INA Assitalia S.p.A and, subsequently, within Assicurazioni Generali Group S.p.A., as a corporate lawyer, in corporate and legal positions of responsibility, I resumed the liberal profession in 2010, giving rise to Fuggitti & Partners Law Firm. With the cooperation of qualified partners, Fuggitti & Partners Law Firm aggregates in civil, administrative, tax and accounting domains. By performing day-to-day operational management (file preparation for the organs of the company, attendance to Management Board meetings) and directly administering special operations (mergers, divisions, take-overs) for publicly listed companies and non-listed companies, I have developed an in-depth expertise in corporate law throughout the years. Concerning the insurance law domain, I worked on authorization procedures for the assurance business, sales of insurance portfolios and of newco trading and real estate funds in the real estate domain. While performing such operations, I gained significant experience in dealing with national supervisory authorities (IVASS, COVIP, CONSOB, BORSA, BANCA D’ITALIA).
Avv. Laura Silvestri
Laura Silvestri graduated in Law from Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” along with the publication of her dissertation on the academic Journal of Occupational Accidents and Diseases – VI series Review of the pension and social security system – Annus XCIII, volume no. 2/2006. She matured a significant professional experience in the field of social security, and she is practicing the legal profession. She is also authorized to practice before the higher Courts. She is also a professional mediator accredited to the Ministry of Justice since 2012 and registered to the list of public defenders and advocates for legal aid applicants and recipients. In the course of her professional experience, she pre-eminently focuses on penal crimes against individuals and property and she provides consultancy in judicial and non-judicial disputes in labour law and protection of credit issues. Finally, she addressed important questions concerning the public works and procurement sector both for public authorities and private companies.
Avv. Federico Fuggitti
Federico graduated in Law along with the publication of his dissertation “The Performance Bond”. After, he took an LLM in Corporate and Securities Law and he is Research Assistant at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He is also member of FEDERPRIVACY as a Data Protection Officer (EU Reg. 679/2016). As a lawyer, he matured a significant professional experience in Corporate Management, Accounting and Auditing, providing expert professional knowledge in data protection law and IT security. Comfortable leading roundtable discussions on a variety of legal matters related to insurance and financial investments.
Capable closer, realizing significant growth in office revenue and profit margins through effective utilization of direct marketing methods both in-person and via telephone and written correspondence. Expert in joint ventures deals and international transactions.
Sharp and effective communicator, with strong negotiation, leadership, and interpersonal skills.
Naturally energetic, involved and visible.
Prof. Dott. Giovanni Leonardo Rasile
Prof. Giovanni Leonardo Rasile is a first-class honours graduate in Economics and Business Administration from Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” of Milan. He is qualified to pursue the profession of accountant and is Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Italy (Rome site). Furthermore, he is registered as statutory auditor at the Ministry of Finance since, and is also lecturer in economics and corporate finance. He has performed the accountancy profession since 1990 and he can boast a considerable expertise in the following domains: administrative auditing procedures, organisation and implementation of general accounting systems and of performance audit, contractual and corporate consultancy and assistance, representation before regional and provincial Tax Offices and Committees, assistance for special operations for publicly listed and non-listed companies (mergers, divisions, take-overs, buying and selling business operations), statutory auditor of publicly non-listed companies, auditor of non-commercial entities.
Prof. Dott. Luca Savino
Luca Savino, graduated in Economics and Business Administration from Università degli Studi di Trieste, qualified to pursue the profession of accountant (Studio SAVINO – Trieste) and Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Italy (Trieste site). He boasts a considerable expertise in the accountancy domain, performing the following duties:
  • Advisor and court-appointed expert, accountant of cooperative societies in Friuli Venezia Giulia;
  • Contract professor of public economics at Università degli Studi di Trieste, polo di Gorizia;
  • Technical Consultant Judge;
  • Auditor of Cooperative Institutions in the Region of Frilu-Venezia Giulia;
  • Member of Commissione Etica e Deontologia of Consiglio Nazionale D.C.E.C;
  • Member of the IFAC Board for Ethics and independence;
  • Member of Corpul Expertilor Accountants of Romania;
  • President and Auditor of several Italian companies in insurance and multi-utility;
  • Counselor in some Italian companies;
  • Speaker on topics of local and international tax law in various seminars and conferences and has published some texts and essays of the subject and of business organization.